The Art of the Messer

Our next six week course will be on the use of the messer, a type of one-handed sword/big knife popular in the Holy Roman Empire in the 15th and 16th centuries.

Whether you are new to historical fencing, or an experienced member of DDS this class will be an exciting introduction to a versatile and delightful style of fencing.

The class will use Johannes Lecküchner‘s manuscript (1491) as the primary source. Our venue has padded floors and mats available, so we will be able to dive into the many grappling plays with gusto!

James G Elmslie, Historical Cutler

James is one of the foremost authorities on the manufacture and history of the messer, and we are pleased to announce that he will be sharing his expertise with us! On the 2nd of February before the first session James will be giving a talk and handling session with some items from his collection. This will be an invaluable opportunity to handle some of the highest quality modern messers, and learn from the fellow responsible for their creation.

When and Where

Sundays, 1300 to 1500
2nd of February to 16th of March
(No class on the 23rd of February as we are at the Glasgow HEMA Open!)

The North Merchiston Club, Room 2
48 Watson Crescent
EH11 1EP

What to bring

Messer simulators and necessary protective gear will be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own!

We’d recommend that you bring clothes suitable for athletic activity, a waterbottle, and that jewellery should be removed, or taped up before class.

Signup and Costs

Full Course: £60
Concession Full Course: £45 (students, income support etc.)

DDS members with a subscription can treat this course as one of their weekly sessions!

Sign up below.

Class now full! Sign up to be added to the waiting list.

Direct Link to sign-up form